Tidaklah salah Badan Pariwisata Dunia United
Nations World Tourism Organization ikut mendeklarasikan “Desa Belimbing”
sebagai desa wisata, karena “Desa Belimbing” memang layak disebut desa wisata.
Anda dapat membuktikan jika anda telah datang langsung ke “Desa Belimbing”.
Keindahan akan mulai anda nikmati sejak anda menuju “Desa Belimbing” karena di
sepanjang jalan anda akan terpesona dengan keindahan alam yang hijau, bagaikan
meliwati hutan lindung. Bila anda datang dari Denpasar ke “Desa Belimbing”
melintasi jalan Denpasar-Gilimanuk dan jalan Antosari-Pupuan akan anda temui
areal persawahan yang membentang luas, dan juga akan anda temui kesibukan para
petani yang melaksanakan tugas rutinnya. “Desa Belimbing” ada di kaki gunung
Batukaru 32 Km dari kota Tabanan, dan 50 Km dari kota Denpasar. Denpasar adalah
ibukota provinsi Bali. Sarana wisata juga cukup lumayan ada di “Desa Belimbing”
misalnya hotel, ada hotel Cempaka Belimbing (hotel bintang 4), ada juga villa
kebun, warung juga ada Warung “Sari Wisata”, “Warung Made” , “Rumah Makan
Purnama Khas Jimbaran”
It is not
one of the World Tourism Agency United Nations
World Tourism Organization
to declare part "Belimbing Village" as a tourist village, because the " Belimbing Village " is worth mentioning the tourist village.
You can prove
if you
have come directly to the " Belimbing Village ". Will begin to enjoy the beauty of you since you headed "Belimbing village" along the way because you will be enchanted by the natural beauty of the green, like crossing the protected forest. If you come from Denpasar city to the countryside "Belimbing" across the street and Denpasar-Gilimanuk-Pupuan Antosari road you will come across vast stretches of rice fields, and also you would have encountered busy farmers who carry out routine tasks. "Belimbing Village" at the foot of the mountain Batukaru 32 Km from the city of Tabanan, and 50 km from the city of Denpasar. Denpasar is the capital of Bali province. Is also pretty good tourist facilities exist in the " Belimbing Village " for example hotel, there are hotels Cempaka Belimbing (star 4), there is also a Kebun villa, there are also restaurant "Sari Wisata", "Warung Made", " restaurant Purnama Khas Jimbaran "
have come directly to the " Belimbing Village ". Will begin to enjoy the beauty of you since you headed "Belimbing village" along the way because you will be enchanted by the natural beauty of the green, like crossing the protected forest. If you come from Denpasar city to the countryside "Belimbing" across the street and Denpasar-Gilimanuk-Pupuan Antosari road you will come across vast stretches of rice fields, and also you would have encountered busy farmers who carry out routine tasks. "Belimbing Village" at the foot of the mountain Batukaru 32 Km from the city of Tabanan, and 50 km from the city of Denpasar. Denpasar is the capital of Bali province. Is also pretty good tourist facilities exist in the " Belimbing Village " for example hotel, there are hotels Cempaka Belimbing (star 4), there is also a Kebun villa, there are also restaurant "Sari Wisata", "Warung Made", " restaurant Purnama Khas Jimbaran "
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